Sunday, February 20, 2011

Meet "Gingy" The apple of her daddy's eye. SOLD

My FIRST oil Painting! Yeahhh. Tho I still have a lot to learn I enjoyed "figuring" out some of the primary dos and don'ts of using a different type of paint.

As I do here and as do many other painters, I rarely have had the feeling of accomplishment on my paintings. It just seems as tho a finished piece is never really finished. Later I see things that I could have done differently and/or better. The real talent lies in the art of perfecting your art. which takes time, patience, edurance, persistance and the consciouness of learning. Once we lose sight of education and think we are finished and that we know it all...We're done. One way or another..

Gingy is painted on an 8 x 10 x 1/2 stretched Canvas.


Anonymous said...

Deb this if FANTASTIC


Jan said...

Well done, Debra! Your skills with acrylics have translated very, very well into oils!

If this is an example of your learning period, I think oils should be your medium of choice from here on out!

Debra Babcock said...

So funny, one of my other artist friends said a similar thing on Facebook. Thanks Jan