Monday, July 2, 2012

Wow! I have really neglected my blogspot!

I can't believe it's been so long since I posted any new paintings. I must do so soon!


Teresa said...

Hey, that's what happens when your a busy, busy gal. :)

Jan said...

Goodness, girl! I've been checking in here off and on for forever and was about to give you up!

Looks as if you've been painting a lot but not posting much of it - it's all wonderful!

Debra Babcock said...

Aww thanks Jan. I've been wondering how you are.. I think I've been to your blog...I was just too lazy or too busy to take the time to comment or maybe I did. I don't remember. I have the Pug finished but as usual I'm slacking off again and haven't took the time to post a pic f it.