Monday, December 21, 2009


Hi My name is "Gingy" aka Ginger.
She is loved by her owner whom by which is a senior citizen and a military veteran. He and she live on the Blue Ridge Parkway of Tn.
She was painted Dec 2009 on 3/4" 10 x 10 Canvas with Acrylics.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

'A Dog Mommy's love" Painting

Can't you just feel the love coming from this painting?

3/4" 10 x 10 Acrylic

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


"Chloe" Acrylic 3/4" x 9 x 12 Canvas

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pet treats & food from CHINA

Just a reminder to dog owners and those that know people who have pets to PLEASE DO NOT buy dog food or treats from CHINA. Apparently it is still killing and making dogs sick!! Don't take the chance...make a statement, take it back to the store for a refund or simply throw it out!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"An Entertainer & her dog" SOLD

This is only the second "people" painting I've ever done. I learned a lot on this one and loved the challenge. April is a singer in the gorgeous Great Smokey Mtns of Tn. She has is an animal lover as you can clearly see holding her dog Baxter. They were an excellent subject to paint! Such a beautiful gal and handsome dog.
The "Entertainer & her dog" to see more of my artwork in my painting gallery go to

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Meet "Jack" the jackass

Don't he just make you want to reach out and pet him?! See "Jack the jackass" and more of my artwork in my gallery at

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Christmas Yorkie

I wanted to paint something with Christmas in mind and this little yorkie was perfect. Waiting patiently for "Santa" to arrive.

Painting yorkie

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wood Glue poisonings is on the rise!

Our country’s new-found thrift has lead many homeowners to save a penny by tackling do-it-yourself home improvement projects. But take care, pet parents—you may be exposing your furry friends to dangerous tools and tricks of the trade. Polyurethane glue, a water-resistant adhesive and favorite of woodworkers, is highly toxic if ingested by cats and dogs.
According to data from the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC), pet poisonings from wood glues—and other adhesives containing the substance diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI)—are on the rise. In the past 12 months, the APCC handled more than 170 cases of pets who ingested expanding glues. Of those incidents, the majority involved dogs and were evaluated at high or medium risk for developing severe, life-threatening problems.
Polyurethane glue—also known by brand names like Gorilla Glue and Elmer’s Pro-Bond—is prized for its ability to bond to wood. If eaten, however, the glue expands in the stomach’s warm, moist environment and forms a softball-sized lump. A dog who eats even a small amount of MDI-based adhesive can experience severe gastrointestinal problems resulting in blockages and requiring emergency surgery to remove the mass.
Pet parents should treat any expanding adhesive as a potential hazard, since the offending chemical MDI is not always listed on product labels. Like all toxic household products, wood glue should be stored in a secure cabinet to prevent your furry beloveds from coming into contact with it. If you suspect your pet has ingested polyurethane glue, please call your vet or the ASPCA’s 24-hour poison hotline at (888) 426-4435. And for more information about keeping your pet domestically sound, check out our handy online guide to creating a poison-safe home.

Friday, September 4, 2009

I found a Butterfly

I found a beautiful butterfly on one of my Butterfly Bushes...The photograph was so pretty I decided to paint it. So this is my latest painting. 'Butterfly on Butterfly Bush'

Thursday, September 3, 2009

It almost Halloween time!

Its almost Halloween time! Does your doggie have her dress yet?
Come visit us at today to see more designs!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

My latest Painting - Shih-Tzu

Isn't he adorable! His mommy is a radio personality in Oklahoma City. Along with his sister he is spoiled rotten!

How to Potty Train a new puppy


   .thumbnailCAI7AK00.jpg picture by dbabcock61

*It takes some effort to get your dog or puppy pott trained.

*You have to be consistent.

*You have to be diligent.

*Expect accidents.

Have an acceptable area where you will allow him to relieve himself.  Such areas would be potty training pads, newspaper, pea gravel area and "certain" places in the yard.  Place papers or pads near the outside door. Using a cheerful, sweet voice with praise will help him to know he did good especially when does his business outside! 

After using the paper for a short period of time on the inside of the house...move it just outside the door while the puppy is young.  You will eventually be able to do away completely with the paper outside.

If you expect your dog to use the restroom outside...he must be able to get out of the house.  We put in a doggy door and it was the best thing we ever did.  However, we do have a small fenced area to keep them confined to the back of the house.  Happy dogs rarely leave their yards and will usually go back inside the house and sleep if you leave.  But you also have to consider if theft would be an issue in your neighborhood. 

To keep your dog from scatching on your door, teach them to ring a bell simply by adding a bell on the floor near the door.

Restrict your puppy to one or two rooms, perferably rooms that are used a lot.  This way if an accident should occur, you will be able to use your "other" UNHAPPY voice.  But don't scream or hit...I know it can be hard but you have to control your actions too.  Never let a new puppy have full run of the house.  Kiddie Gates are a huge plus with restricting your new puppy's access to bedrooms and other areas that don't have doors.  Keep an eye on him, and watch him for signals that he may need to go out.   Sniffing, circling and whimpering or he leaves the room suddenly is a good indication that he is about to potty on your carpet.  Try your best to not make any sudden moves, loud voices or scare him...just gently pick him up and take him to "his" area.  Yelling tells him that peeing or pooping is wrong.  When in-fact it isn't wrong.  Every living thing eats and has to eliminate at some point!  The last thing you want him to do is to sneak away and do his business.  If you don't catch him in time, let it go, take him to "his" pee pee area whether it's a spot in the yard or a pee pee pad.  Talk to him sweetly and tell "Pee pee here, be a good boy"  If you are using newspaper or pads, dab up the pee where he had his accident, put it back near the outside door and he will identify that with where he should go next time.  And whatever you do, when he does pees in "his" area do make a big deal of it and tell him how good of a boy he is!  If you see him pee outside...tell him "what a good boy you are, Pee pee outside"  By repeating certain words he will eventually learn to relate them to what he is doing. 

If you have to leave your home, confine your pet to an area that would be easy to clean up but NOT a small bathroom or pen.  Couping him up will not teach him anything. 

thumbnailCAAJDAW5.jpg picture by dbabcock61Sometimes even adult dogs still have accidents.  Dogs that are not neutered or spayed have a higher incidence of eliminating in the house. Scent marking is another form of undesired elimination and can be managed by neutering and refreshing housetraining.

Try not to aquire a  new puppy on Saturday or Sunday and then go to work on Monday, that is not enough time for him to learn what to do.  A week off from work would be the best way to spend good quality training time with hime.

thumbnailCA3LZS4N.jpg picture by dbabcock61BELLY BANDS and DOGGIE DIAPERS  for little girl dogs are a great source of help for potty training and "MARKING TERRITORY".  When my little yorkie boy come to live me he was 6 monts old.  I put a belly band on him.  Got his attention by looking in his eyes and saying "No Pee Pee in the House".  He wore it for a couple of weeks and thankfully only had 3 accidents in it.  When he had an accident I would get his attention by looking into his eyes and repeated, using my "UN-HAPPY" voice, "No Pee Pee in the house".  The first week he was taken to the "Pee & Poop" area which was a graveled area EVERY TWO hours.  And especially after eating,drinking and waking from a nap.   Keeping your dog on a schedule is key to potty training success.

 thumbnailCA1DZSNP.jpg picture by dbabcock61

Last, do not have unrealistic expectations of your puppy..he will have accidents before he fully learns! Never rub your dogs nose in his pee or poop.  Use postive reinforcement with your "UNHAPPY" voice to let him know that it is not acceptable.  Never hit or scream....


Monday, August 17, 2009

My latest painting is of Cows!

The paint isn't even dry on this one! These cows reside in our Back Yard Safari...ha ha

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


The Wonderful World of Whiskers July 30, 2009

Look closely. Those extremely adorable whiskers on your dog’s face do more than highlight her natural good looks. They’re actually high-tech doggie sensory devices, hard at work around the clock. Just last night your dog used them to navigate her way to the water bowl in the dark. We wanted to know more about quite possibly the cutest part of a pup’s face, and found all the answers from Phyllis DeGioia’s article "Your Dog’s Secret Surveillance."
Whiskers are just one of the highly-tuned secret agent tools your dog has on board to explore and respond to the world around her. Now look even closer. See that dark skin springing a whisker or two around your dog’s nose, above her eyes and under her chin. Think of them as beauty marks with secret powers. Dr. Carol Foil, ACVD, a veterinary dermatologist consultant with the Veterinary Information Network in Davis, CA explains, "The little beauty marks are mounds of nerves and other connections that make the whiskers function as tactile (feeling) hairs. Dogs have one mound of compound follicles, but they can have more than one whisker in the mound."
Whiskers that sprout from these areas are called "vibrissae," which are typically found in clumps, and they have the power to transmit information to your dog’s brain about her balance and movement. Without them, she’d struggle to assess her spatial relationship to other things.
That’s just one of the reasons dog whiskers are so sensitive to touch. They’re perceptive enough to sense the change in wind flow. So whiskers are ultra sensitive, even painful if brushed against their natural direction. In fact, playing or petting a dog’s whiskers can feel like a pinch in the face. So, for your dog’s comfort and happiness, it’s best to let those sweet whiskers be. That said, many show dogs often have their whiskers trimmed, plucked or worse, surgical removal.
Having originally been bred to guard and hunt, dogs rely on their keen sense and not on their whiskers quite as much as cats do. So cat people, don’t tell the dog, but your kitty’s whiskers can do everything your dog’s can and more. While cats depend on their whiskers to gauge the size of openings before passing through and can even help direct her precision before jumping long distances and dashing past obstacles, kitty whiskers are also great indicators of feline mood. When kitty’s happy or curious, the whiskers are pushed forward. But when they’re pushed back, pet at your own risk. You see, a little whisker wisdom can go a long way.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Move for a 5 Year Ban on the Sale of Pets - The Petition Site

Move for a 5 Year Ban on the Sale of Pets - The Petition Site: "Move for a 5 Year Ban on the Sale of PetsTarget:United States Department of AgricultureSponsored by: Rescue Party Tour, Tom McPheeWhile in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, filmmaker Tom McPhee witnessed atrocities and senseless killings of many helpless animals. Part of McPhee's work is to shed a light on those atrocities. However, the fight is far from over. Millions of animals die each year because there are simply too many animals without homes. It is estimated that sixteen million animals are euthanized annually in the United States. That number is rising because of the economic downturn."

Vick is released from prison....Still doesn't acknowledge he did any thing wrong!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Please help find Sadie a forever home!

Sadie is a three year-old white lab who is good with children, other dogs and cats. She is crate-trained and loves to swim. She is currently living in Frost Bite, TN Please contact Margaret at

Friday, June 26, 2009

This is why we should buy pets from pet stores!

Pet Stores and Puppy Mills
I Bought a Puppy and He Got Sick. What Can I Do?
If you buy a puppy from a pet shop, you run a high risk of taking home a sick animal. Respiratory infections including pneumonia, as well as hereditary defects like hip dysplasia and severe allergies, are common among the indiscriminately bred puppies from commercial breeders. If you have purchased a pet-store puppy who turned out to be sick, you have may have some recourse—17 states have enacted laws, commonly called “Lemon Laws (pdf),” that make pet stores financially responsible for sick animals purchased from them.
Are All Puppies Sold In Pet Stores From Puppy Mills?
It’s estimated that 99 percent of puppies sold by pet stores come from puppy mills. “No reputable breeder would ever sell their puppies at a pet store. In fact, most breed clubs have a code of ethics prohibiting breeders from selling dogs to pet stores,” says Baker. “Furthermore, reputable breeders care about their puppies, and they would never stick them in a cage. They screen all potential buyers to make sure the puppy goes to a good home.”
What Happens to Puppies Who Do Not Get Sold at Pet Stores or Become Too Old to Sell?
Pet stores are incredibly skilled at making consumers feel so sorry for the puppies in the tiny cages that they usually sell. If a puppy is not selling fast enough, pet shops simply continue to slash the price.
Should I Patronize Pet Stores that Sell Puppies?
How many people can resist the allure of a cute little puppy? The puppies are not only a commodity for the pet stores to profit off, but they are also exploited as a marketing tool to entice the consumer to buy pet supplies.
“Once a pet shop sells you that puppy, they know that they have a captive customer who now must purchase supplies for the new puppy,” says Baker. “So besides making a huge profit on the puppy itself, which is substantial, they also profit from the sale of supplies that go with the puppy.”
This is why it is important never to buy your pet supplies in a pet store that sells puppies. These stores will only cease selling puppy mill puppies when it becomes unprofitable for them to do so. Consumers need to send a strong message that they will not patronize stores that sell puppies.
Why Is it Bad to Buy a Puppy at a Pet Store. Isn’t It Rescuing a Puppy Mill Dog?
By buying a pet shop puppy, you are perpetuating and supporting a cruel industry. In fact, you—the consumer—not only run the risk of taking home a sick puppy, but are sentencing a mother dog to a life of misery. As long as there is a demand for their “product,” puppy mills will continue to churn out puppies.

Please read more about the pit falls of Pupply Mills and the Laws to prevent them.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cute Dog @ Oklahoma Kill Shelter--If you can't adopt Buck, Can you foster him for a little while?

Cute Dog in a Kill Shelter needs a new Home!

Today at 5:37pm
Pass this on if you know someone. They are killing 400 dogs a DAY in Oklahoma City because they are too crowded, and it just breaks my heart.. Here's BUCK!Hi,My name is Buck. I am approximately 2-years old and am a male Doberman/Greyhound mix. I weigh about 44 lbs. I'm currently residing at the Purcell Animal Shelter, but I think some people around here are getting tired of me and have started talking about putting me "to sleep". They say I'm not so adoptable because I growl when people come up to my cage. But, my friend Diana, who works here, says that far from being mean, I am a total sweetheart, just fearful when I'm caged up! I just don't like being in that cage, and all those people staring at me and poking their fingers in at me! But, you let me out of that cage, and I become a different dog! I have known some abuse in the past, so I might be a bit slow to warm up to you, but I know with a bit of time, you and I could become best buds. I hang out with a couple girl dogs here, and we all get along wonderfully! I am neutered, heartworm negative, and current on my shots!Diana tells me my days here could be numbered, so she asked my friend Michelle with Best Friends of Pets to try and find me a foster as soon as possible. Best Friends will work really hard to help find me a forever home, if I can just come stay with you for awhile!If you can help me by being my foster parent, please e-mail Michelle at or call her at (405) 420-2554.Thanks,Buck

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Incontinence Aids for pets

Do you have a pet that has a bladder control problem? We have a quick fix for doggie dribbles. Works for cats too! Please visit my store for house training & incontinence aids @

Tuesday, June 16, 2009